cloud call center solutions: The Right Solution for Indian BPO Compnay


Besides facing severe competition from countries like the Philippines, South Africa, and Latin America, the Indian BPO company has to struggle with increased operational expenses, rising manpower costs, and attrition. Along with this, keeping call center margins under the tab and variable agent count requirements poses difficulty as well. To meet the above-stated challenges, BPOs either deploy premise-based contact centers or on the cloud.

Both of the technologies have a sea difference when it comes to benefits and advantages. Premise-based Call Center has become outdated and BPOs are showing keen interest in deploying cloud-based Hosted center. For instance, when it comes to staying updated and upfront on technology, it becomes very difficult and expensive to upgrade a premise-based call center. As the cloud center is offered by the service provider, the maintenance and upgrades are taken care of by the provider.

Usually, the cloud-based solution is a bundled offering of connectivity, VoIP, PRI, or DID minutes to suit the needs of both outbound and inbound BPOs. Cloud-based cloud center is delivered over the Internet as SaaS (Software-as-a-model). Unlike premise-based contact centers, a cloud solution is a pay-per-use model. A BPO has to choose and pay only for the modules, it has opted for.

To accommodate a premise-based model, a BPO has to deploy an expensive server along with paying for the cost of the entire infrastructure and dialer. As the deployed infrastructure is maintained, managed, and utilized by the BPO only, it becomes a very expensive ordeal for the management and IT department. Premised hosted call center needs the in-house redundant system to be 'up-and-running' and highly skilled IT resources for the infrastructure.

A premise call center is neither suited for a multi-site environment nor can be easily integrated with third-party applications such as CRM whereas a cloud-based contact center is multi-tier and multi-tenant. Enterprises can deploy both home agents and multi-site environments in a cloud-based contact center. It just takes two minutes to start with the cloud. A cloud contact center helps BPO to save upfront money on equipment purchases and integration costs considerably.

The legacy technology of premise-based contact centers can be replaced with the powerful contact center on the cloud at a lower IT budget, quickly and affordably. The redundant system to ensure uninterrupted operations of the cloud is deployed by the service provider reducing dependence on IT personnel next to nothing.

A cloud-based center is secure and reliable. Moreover, it enables BPOs to focus on the core strategic issues rather than spending time on software troubles and maintenance of hosted center infrastructure.

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